Kim Ransom with Attorney General Cynthia Coffman at the RNC in Cleveland
Kim Ransom with Attorney General Cynthia Coffman at the RNC in Cleveland
Kim with Congressman Thomas Massie in Cleveland
Kim with Congressman Thomas Massie in Cleveland
Kim receiving an American's for Prosperity award
Kim receiving an American's for Prosperity award
Kim with former Bronco Karl Mecklenburg and State Senator Mark Scheffel
Kim with former Bronco Karl Mecklenburg and State Senator Mark Scheffel
Lincoln Resolution, Representative Ransom with co-sponsor Representative Rosenthal. The resolution commemorated the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln’s death
Kim on a missions trip in 2013 cooking dinner for fifty children and staff at Rancho Los Amigos, a childrens' home in Mexico.
Kim on a missions trip in 2013 cooking dinner for fifty children and staff at Rancho Los Amigos, a childrens' home in Mexico.